The Road to Recovery: Coping with Alcohol Withdrawal

January 25, 2024

Drinking alcohol is a new trend that people, mostly youngsters, follow to look cool and updated. Also, once you start having liquor, there is no comeback. In some colder countries, alcohol is taken to maintain the body temperature with the external one, but for some people, it’s all about the taste, and due to that, they end up being addicted.

More about Alcohol Withdrawal

It is clear that if you consume a lot of alcohol for weeks, months, or years, you will definitely suffer from physical and mental problems when you stop the consumption or seriously cut back on how much you drink. This whole phenomenon is called alcohol withdrawal. In this blog, we will discuss more terms related to alcohol withdrawal so that people become aware of it. Also, we will discuss some of the best ways to recover easily from such problems.

If you consume alcohol occasionally, you are unlikely to experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop. However, if you have previously gone through alcohol withdrawal, you are more prone to experiencing it again when you decide to quit.

Causes of alcohol withdrawal

  • We know well that alcohol withdrawal occurs only when a person who used to drink heavily and regularly suddenly stops or reduces the intake.
  • Alcohol causes a depressive effect on your system. It impacts the functioning of the brain and also changes the way your nerves work via sending messages back and forth. With the passage of time, your CNS adjusts to having liquor around all the time.
  • Because of such an imbalance, it causes symptoms like tremors, sweating, anxiety, and nausea, and in some severe cases, it causes seizures or delirium tremens (DTs).
  • Also, you must know that the severity of withdrawal is influenced by the duration and intensity of alcohol use, with chronic heavy drinkers always at higher risk.
  • If you suffer from any such problems, medical supervision is necessary and will have proven effects on you.

Timeline of Alcohol withdrawal symptoms

It is clear that the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can vary from mild to serious. It only depends upon how much you consume and for how long.

6 hours after you stop drinking:

If you drink for 6 hours, chances of mild signs can start as early as 6 hours after you stop or put your glass off. The signs may include:

  • Shaky hands,
  • Headache,
  • Anxiety,
  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting.

12-48 hours after your last drink:

In such a situation, more serious problems like hallucinations start after this timeframe, and this includes hallucinations for about 12-24 hours after you stop drinking. Seizures occur within the first two days after you stop. You can also feel or hear things that are not present or real.

48-72 hours after you stop drinking:

Delirium tremens, commonly known as DTs, typically begin during this period. These are severe symptoms that include vivid hallucinations and delusions. Only around 5% of individuals experiencing alcohol withdrawal develop them. Those who do may also experience additional symptoms.

  • High blood pressure,
  • Heavy sweating,
  • Confusion,
  • Racing heart and
  • Fever.

Diagnosis of Alcohol withdrawal

Your physician will ask about your drinking history and when you last consumed alcohol if they suspect you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal. They also want to know if you have ever before gone through withdrawal.

The healthcare expert will also discuss your symptoms and examine you for any other underlying medical conditions that could be causing your issues. On the basis of the discussion, they will come up with some certain conclusions and select the best treatment option for you.


If you have never undergone any serious health condition or if you have ever had a severe withdrawal in the past, you do not need any specific treatment. In such a situation, a supportive environment will help you more than the medications.

That included:

  • Doft lighting,
  • A calm and quiet place,
  • A place full of positive and supportive environment,
  • Limited interaction with the people,
  • Healthy food with lots of fluids.

If you do not find yourself relaxing in such situations, you can consult with an expert and find something else that works with your symptoms and will help you improve the alcohol withdrawal signs.

Here are some ways that will help you cope with these symptoms:

Before initiating the detox process, call your friend or family member:

After six hours of alcohol intake, you start to feel some of the early alcohol withdrawal symptoms like fast heart rate, vomiting, and nausea. Also, within 12-48 hours, or you can say one to two days, you can suffer from the more severe signs like hallucinations or seizures.

However, it is important to maintain trust during your detox period. If you do not feel well enough to take care of yourself, you can get help from a trusted friend or family member. They can bring some cold drinks and also ensure that you get enough to eat and talk.

If you show signs of delirium tremens (DTs), your loved ones can call for medical help or take you to the nearest hospital for quick treatment. Family therapy has also proven beneficial during this period.

Have medical supplies and comfort items on hand

It can also take 24-72 hours to eliminate all the alcohol from your body parts, and during the process of detoxification, the chances are higher that you will not feel good and energetic enough to go to the chemist’s store and buy your stuff.

In such cases, be sure to stock up on all the supplies you have with you before you last drink. Also, you may need a heating pad, comfortable clothes, and a warm pair of slippers. This will all help you during detoxification.

Adjust your lifestyle

If you are already suffering from alcohol withdrawal, it is vital to avoid the unnecessary triggers that can cause you to relapse and start drinking again. You can try opting for healthy lifestyle activities, and if you have an urge to drink more, try to skip some other healthy drinks or lessen the quantity.

Also, avoid going to parties or events where alcohol and other beverages are available. Also, you can let your family or friends know that you can not go with them to places where alcohol is openly available. You should also avoid going to high-risk places like nightclubs, bars, and sporting venues.

You can also opt for healthy food and drinks to make your body fit and active and complete the work of alcohol without alcohol.

Stay active

One of the great ways to deal with alcohol withdrawal is by staying active. Although your initial impulse may be to stay in bed and wait for the mild symptoms to subside, engaging in exercise can actually enhance your mood and help you sleep better during the alcohol detox process.

Also, for this, you need not run several miles or go to the gyms; you just need to be constant and continuous with your workout, like walking each day or doing some calisthenics at home. Also, seek medical help immediately if you find any unfavorable signs.

Use relaxation techniques

The American Psychiatric Association suggests mindfulness, as anxiety is one of the most prevalent symptoms during alcohol withdrawal. The recovery journey begins with your choice to seek assistance.

Various relaxation methods can help alleviate your anxiety and keep you calm as you complete detoxification and move forward to the next phase of addiction treatment.

You can also do yoga, meditation, deep breathing, etc, to increase your comfort. Also, another best way to deal with alcohol withdrawal is to have a massage therapist who can provide home service and must be professional in their work.

Include some nutritious food in your diet

We all know a healthy diet is a good way to manage your body and brain. Working on this phenomenon, people suffering from alcohol withdrawal can include a healthy diet in their lives to promote betterment.

Anyone who has suffered from alcohol withdrawal must include nutritious food during the withdrawal time. Food items like eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, poultry, low-fat dairy products, a balanced amount of minerals, macronutrients, and vitamins.

Remember that you need to stay healthy during the detox process as much as possible to prevent health problems in the future.

Pick up a new hobby

When you are ready for substance abuse treatment, it is advisable to cultivate a hobby that can divert your attention from intense alcohol withdrawal symptoms and help you occupy your time until the alcohol has been fully eliminated from your system.

You can include some other healthy activities like crossword puzzles, playing online games, practicing your drawing skills, reading, or cooking. Implementing a new hobby will help you improve your mental health and manage alcohol withdrawal smoothly.


We will know that alcohol is injurious to our health. If you or any of your loved ones are suffering from alcohol withdrawal, you must be careful and include some healthy habits in your life. Also above mentioned are some steps which you can follow to reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Also, if needed, you can get help from an expert for better guidance.

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